10-23-2023, 12:20 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Water intermittently seeping in around dome
If you are certain the dome itself is not leaking, this is how I would deal with a ring leak at the dome.
Detach the dome and set it aside to where you can caulk it. Take the foam gasket(s) off. Pump a nice fat bead of silicone caulk on every contacting surface, the dome, both sides of the gaskets, both sides of the cover, and the ring. Every surface gets a bead of silicone such that upon reassembly you are creating a fat silicone gasket between every layer. Tighten the screws or bolts securely. BTW wear disposable gloves and coveralls. Silicone is incredibly nasty stuff that gets over everything on a rough project like this.
Man if that doesn't solve the leak I don't know what will. If it doesn't you've got a real problem, but at least you have eliminated all obvious leak points. Beyond that I can't help since I'm not there. Contact a carpenter or a commercial yurt company. Good lucjk.