09-29-2017, 12:00 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Repairing a tear in yurt sidewall
As for testimony of strength of this type of adhesive, Feathercraft Folding Kayak hulls $$$$$ are made with material that is fully impregnated with urethane during its manufacture. SOTAR rafts and cats $$$$$ are made with similar material albeit a heavier base material.
I coat the toe of my work boots with it. The toe lasts forever. I kid you not. You guys need to try this stuff. I use it on all outdoor gear that needs a seam seal, and/or reinforcement. No fails, ever. This product is to sealant and glue as a yurt is to tents. The best, ever.