Re: canvas yurt roof needs repair
In my experience the best adhesive for fabric tears and holes and seams, and general reinforcement of boots toes and splits, is Aquaseal urethane. I have used many tubes of that stuff in the last few decades. Never found any repair to fail. It is industrial strength urethane. When cured it leaves a bombproof flexible seal.
However I never used it to patch a 2' long tear in yurt roof. I think if you first hand stitched the split together by hand from the inside, then Aquasealed a patch on the top, that might just work. Just so you know Aquaseal isn't cheap. You'll likely find the 8 ounce tube is necessary to get those tears covered. The stuff is runny, but can be accelerated with COTOL.
If you can get the cover off and get it stitched up, just cover that with an Aquasealed patch and there will never be anoher problem with a tear there again. If the tears are duw to old canvas, well... it is time to get a new cover as a lot more rips are in the near future. Good luck.