Hey Bob!
I certain see your point. Calling this a "yurt" is a bit misleading. This structure I am build is only going to have the shape of a yurt. By no means will it be portable, heck it would take a team of 40 yaks just to move the lumber.

What I am building is going to be a home for my budding family

I'm shooting for something comparable the yurt in this video
(same one linked in my last post)
I'm surprised your canvas cover is shot after 3.5 years. Is that typical?
I've done a bit of looking around for cover options. (heck I may use a corrugated metal roof)
says their material will last 15 years. And you can place an order with them directly to make your cover. they will do custom made to order covers. Sweet!
A huge part of building this yurt is going to be working with a permitting office, and getting their stamp of approval. This very well may impact my plans.
Also I don't have land yet, So its kinda hard for me to say for sure what kinda snow loads & insulation needs i'll have. Who knows were this new home will be built. Could be here in colorado, could be in the pacific north west! (bigfoot country, holler)
Question! is there any older threads showing a 40ft build? I love forums but these old forums wont search short terms like "40ft" the built in search engine rejects it. Also sorry for all the typo's........ I'm half lazy and half dyslexic, horrible combination to have.
Here are some pricing calculation for the roof and walls
roof rafters 2x6x16 72pc = currently about $10.50ea => $756 => round up for good measure => $850
Support beams 2x8x8 About $6.75 each 72 needed => $486 => round up=> $550
khana 186 x 1.5x0.75x10foot => 48 x 2x4x10 @ $3 each = $144 +> round up => $200
So rafters+support beams+khana $850+$550+200= $1600
pretty good! hopefully I can get away with using 2x6 for the rafters.... 2x8 would knock this price up a bit.... how much you ask well
2x8x16 are about $14 each => $1008 => round up to =>1150 for good measure
making the new total => 1150+550+200 = $1900
Still not that bad. Gotta love circles, most square footage for a given perimeter.