09-25-2012, 09:51 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,436
Yurt Project Season One - Complete!
My adventure in getting my yurt camp built actually started about 3 years ago as I began researching my property that I had not been to in over 20 years. It was my fathers property (it belonged to his father before him) and he hadn't been there in so long he forgot where it was. I found it and bought the lot off of him as he no longer has any interest in the land that has been in the family for almost 100 years.
The next season I worked on the road and trying to figure out where to put a camp. Technically this is my third season working on this, but the real work began this year when I finally decided to get a yurt and had the real work done on the property. I had the section I wanted the camp located on logged off and the rest of the property selectively logged. I repaired the road and then contracted the base to be built. Some friends and family and I put up the yurt and then I spent a good portion of the summer getting all the little things done. Last weekend was the last project: installing the stove and chimney!
That is the end of this seasons work on the yurt camp. I now just plan on enjoying my stay there as hunting season fast approaches up here in the Adirondacks. I would like to thank many of the users here for your help along the way with advice and your experience! It has been a great trip so far and I cannot wait until next season. I am still planning on those projects, but I definitely want to get the stairs and deck on, and the water situation addressed.
Thanks everyone!