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Yurt Living In Sweden Full-time

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Old 09-17-2019, 02:48 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: Denmark
Posts: 2
Default Yurt living in Sweden full-time

Hi all,

I’m a guy from Denmark thinking about buying a plot of land in Sweden and hopefully build and/or erect a yurt to live there full-time. There has not previously been build anything on the land that I’m thinking about buying. I’m aware that there has been applied for building a hut, but it was rejected due to it was too close to the shoreline and a nearby running water stream. I haven't decided the size of the yurt yet, but it could be larger than 25 m2.

What I do know is that’s allowed to build an annex (attefall) up to 25 m2 if there’s already a main building:

"Det krävs bygglov för att uppföra en byggnad som ställs upp mer än en normal semesterperiod, dvs. fyra veckor. Enligt PBL 9 kap 2§ (2010:900).

En Attefall kan endast uppföras om det redan står ett en- eller ett tvåbostadshus.*Ett attefallshus är en bygglovsbefriad komplementbyggnad eller komplementbostadshus som får vara max 25 m2. Enligt 9 kap 4 § PBL. Även vid bygglovsbefriade åtgärder kan en anmälan krävas vid installationer av VA, ventilation, eldstad. Enligt 6 kap 5 § PBF (2011:338)."

My question is if there any legal alternative ways to live in a yurt full-time on a privately owned land if the yurt is indeed the main or only “building” there?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Last edited by andreas; 09-17-2019 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 09-21-2019, 04:03 PM   #2
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Default Re: Yurt living in Sweden full-time

In my county in Washington state, many of the rural homes are non-permitted. It's kind of a live and let live attitude. Lots of folks living in their "barn" or in yurts. It is a 'complaint driven' county so the officials only investigate if somebody complains about you. Good incentive to be a good neighbor and not build on top of the hill....

I have no idea if this would work in Sweden...and honestly it makes for a little bit of anxiety, but I am going on 25 years in my non-permitted yurt w/o any problems.

We also went off grid, composting toilets, gray water etc.. Just impossible at the time to get permits for that stuff.
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Old 09-22-2019, 11:19 AM   #3
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Default Re: Yurt living in Sweden full-time

Thank you for sharing your perspective Pablo. However, for me, I'd prefer to have everything legal squared away to avoid having to think about the potential consequences either consciously or unconsciously such that it could defeat the purpose of living a more stress-free life. But it's cool that it's possible.
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Old 09-23-2019, 08:59 AM   #4
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Default Re: Yurt living in Sweden full-time

Hello from Ohio, I do not know about sweden laws, but I do know it get cold so I would respectfully suggest that you insulate your floor , wall and roof, maybe they are worried about your sewage, well look into centreal flush composting toilet, you can put your composter in a cemet building and have your flushing toilets inside that way if anything would happen then all the compost/sewage would stay int he building and not the stream or shore, grey water you catch and filter in a food grade 55 gallon drum just filter it with a wool sock and use it for your garden, I am not sure if that is what they worry about but it is a possible solution for you and enjoy your yurt they are great structure.
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