11-20-2017, 10:05 AM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Privacy in loft rooms
While there is nothing wrong with partitioning a yurt, folks do need to remember it is a yurt- a tent- and not a conventional house. If you have camped in a tent, you'll know every exterior noise comes through the wall. A yurt is similar.
If you lived in a house all your life, you'll be bringing your experience with many of the privacy benefits of home living with you when you move into your new yurt. Yurts are incredible, but in no way is a yurt slightly remotely close to a small ranch house in privacy. That said, people adapt to everything in time for the most part, how well depends on their attitude adjustment imo.
A good youtube vlog series that features a young homesteading couple videoing themselves and their three young children living in a yurt off grid, is entitled:
fouchamatic off grid.
Plus there are others. There are good comments from them about yurt life from actually living it. Not a review of yurt, or 'Here's our new yurt!", but actual yurt life shot while doing it. You might want to check it out if you have the time..