08-11-2014, 03:31 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 26
Privacy in a yurt
Last question of the day- how would one maintain privacy in a yurt? For example, can other yurt inhabitants hear the "goings on" of the bathroom? Has any couple ever shared a yurt with children? How did that go? Your experience is greatly appreciated. My husband and I have one daughter, so as much as I love the yurt idea, I want to be sure no one is invading anyone else's personal space. I understand Mongolians have lived like this for centuries, but I've grown up in the American dream of big rooms and giant mortgages. While I am looking to simplify, I'd like to be realistic, lest the joy of the journey be ruined by real life let-down. I feel many posters are single people, living the dream. 
Input from families would be much appreciated.