02-05-2016, 08:34 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,435
Re: New Woodstove For The Yurt
Sorry for the delay. We have had a rather warm El Nino winter here, but we did get up there once for a sub zero weekend. The stove performed pretty good, but no matter what I do, you can't get 8 hours of heat out of it when the temps fall below 20F outside. Don't get me wrong, the stove will stay at around 300-350 degrees for that amount of time, but you need it to be 400+ in a 30' yurt when the temp falls down to that range. You are loading it every 3-4 hours at < 20F.
Once we get above 20 degrees, and once you have the yurt warmed up, you can maintain heat with very little wood. Every 3-4 hours I would just throw another log or two in it. If I was going to leave, I could just pack it full and if I came back 8 hours later, it will still toasty in the yurt.
I have used only a 1/3 of the wood I used last year. Of course, weather is completely different this year, so that is a factor too, but even so, that is quite a difference in efficiency.
So the answer to the question of whether it is too much stove, no. It is a great stove and it works pretty well for yurts. It looks beautiful and has basically become the centerpiece of the camp.