I tried the cockroaches fried with garlic, chili and basil. Frankly, I didn't care for them. The are just too goopy-pasty. The inside is the color and texture of flan, but not the taste. Yuck.
The grasshoppers and crickets prepared the same way are pretty tasty, but I have to get the wings and legs off of them, they get caught in my teeth, but the local Asian people happily crunch away on them, legs wings and all.
Our Thai friends used to love to eat wasp larva, as long as we didn't spray the nest with insecticide. They waited until after dark, and used a newspaper torch to clear the adults, and picked the larva out with a toothpick. Tasted like mild and honey they said, but I never got around to trying them. I end up spraying them usually, and after that it doesn't seem like such a good idea.
In Ecuador, we have a white, fat local grub about the size of your little finger, (well, my little finger), and it becomes a black beetle about an inch and a half long during the start of the rainy season. They are supposed to be pretty good, my wife says they are, I have not been there at the right time, but they are growing on our property there. They get about $16 a 500 gram (If I remember, 454 grams is a pound), bag for the beetles, live if possible.
I read somewhere online that Mexico eats the greatest number of insects of any country in the world. Maybe all those worms from the bottom of the mescal bottle?
A little off topic, but it happens sometimes.

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