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Confused, Do Most Ppl Just Forego Insurance?

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Old 03-11-2019, 06:31 AM   #1
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groveladderfarm's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Southwest, FL
Posts: 15
Default confused, do most ppl just forego insurance?

I began posting on this forum about three years ago, but we found an alternative solution at that time for our farm/dwelling. Now three years later we are discussing yurts again! I've been trying to do some research on


(I live in Southwest Fl where hurricanes are a major concern). The information out there is so murky, am I to understand that most folks just forego


altogether? I see so few people reporting successful attempts to insure a yurt that Im beginning to wonder if its just not a thing.

To give a little more information, my husband and I have been successfully running a pasture-based farm in Sarasota, Fl for a few years. Sarasota however has become increasingly swanky (its NOT the same hometown that we grew up in sadly...) and the costs of land in our area is through the roof. Therefore, we are relocating our farm operation about an hour or so inland, to a more rural county where land costs are better. We are purchasing a 12 acre property with a small wood cabin. The cabin is lovely and well built, with a full kitchen, restroom and laundry room. The cabin is considered the primary residence on the property. However it is TINY: it seems to have been built for a single person (hunter) or retired couple. We are a family of five (soon to be six, as I am expecting a fourth kiddo). We need a way to create additional living/sleeping space for our family, which is why I'm back on the yurt wagon! The yurt would sit next to the cabin and have no need for plumbing, just AC units and electric. (To give some extra detail, our family previously lived in an airstream for 8 months, and while we survived the experience, I am in NO rush to return to living in a small can again with kids.)

Since there is already a primary dwelling on the property, I'm sort of wondering if the yurt could be insured as an outbuilding of some kind.

We discussed building a solid home in a few years down the road, when the farm is making more money, and being able to repurpose the yurt for farm-to-table dinners, or visitors, etc. Unless we just fall in love with living in a yurt!

I love the idea of it, but Im terrified of shelling out the cash only to see it get smashed in a hurricane with no recourse for replacing it. Thank you!

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