09-26-2014, 04:02 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: the Pac Northwet
Posts: 24
Re: Changing stovepipe from center to ??
Oh BTW it should be mentioned every elbow slows the smoke rising out of a pipe making it build up more creosote. Sharper the angle more is slows, so a 45 degree elbow will slow less than a 90 degree. Running a pipe at an angle along the rafters then out the center would take 2 45ish degree angles, thought remember your going to need a lot more stove pipe to run an angle. While running out a wall takes 2 90 degree angles. There is some good argument for doing the angled pipe inside to the center hole. Though there are plenty of people with yurts with the pipe coming out the wall and they don't have much issue and it can in fact make cleaning the pipe easier having it out side and easier to reach.
There are pros and cons for both methods, I would say the biggest thing to decide which is best for you is likely how much of an eye sore would interior piping be for you, and how handy are you to do the mods to pipe out the wall? Angling will take the lest mod work but might seem unsightly, piping out the wall will take some mod work but remove the pipe from sight and need less length of pipe.