06-18-2014, 08:54 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Baby in a yurt?
Last year I happened to be in our home when a weird roaring sound suddenly came out of nowhere and got louDER AND LOUDER!! in just a few seconds. Then EXTREMELY LOUD!!! We live immediately adjacent to the Air Force Academy flying field, and I thought a jet plane was about to crash.
Well turns out it was a whirlwind, a mini tornado. It went directly across the roof of our home, making a heck of a racket. I jumped up and looked out the back sliding door just after the whirlwind jumped off the roof, and !!! made a beeline for my yurt. It went directly over the top of the yurt-I saw it plain as can be with all the debris swirling in the vortex. My yurt jumped up a few inches and instantaneously inflated like a balloon, then dropped down and resumed its normal shape. All this took maybe two seconds.
I'm glad I wasn't in it. It would have scared the bejabbers out of me. If that yurt wasn't roped down solidly to ten heavy concrete anchors buried in the ground, it likely would have been way more seriously damaged than just the few laths that busted.
I lost my first yurt in a blizzard due to not having it tied down. The second one I built got solidly anchored. Now, it is anchored to a wood platform. Even so, a real tornado would totally waste it in a heartbeat.
Moral, if you opt for a yurt, at the very minmum, anchor it solidly to the ground, or better yet, a platform solidly anchored to concrete piers.
Good luck