12-07-2013, 01:54 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 16
Re: Anyone living in a yurt full time with children?
We live in our 30 ft yurt with our three children, 8, 6, and 4 (and our two frenchies!) it seems to be the perfect size for us  . I believe building our bathhouse separate was our best decision, it is a 14x16 building with an a frame roof to provide room for storage in a small attic, and also serves as our mudroom/utility room for laundry. Finding a spot for clothing was difficult in the children's loft so keeping the clothing in the bathhouse helped give them some more space for play in their little area too. With purchasing building materials via craigslist, directly from lumber yards, and doing nearly all the labor ourselves, we were able to budget the whole building for less than 1,800. (Not including our compostable toilet, which was our largest cost.)