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Old 09-06-2012, 01:08 PM   #11
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Originally Posted by Jafo View Post
Steve, thanks for joining! I guess you can't learn too much about yurts and still never hear of Bill Coperthwaite. I am not sure I have any questions for Bill right yet other than: Have you seen the forum?

You will have to let me know when you are back in Taberg, I would love to stop by and see more of your shop and maybe post a few more pics and add more information about

Surely Yurts


Have fun on your trip!
Dear Jafo, is this your real name?...

I would love for you to come out to Taberg and tour the workshop & Yurt! I'm still away from town right now working at a couple of yurts in Vermont.

I would love to have a 'yurt lovers dinner' at my place and share pictures and stories from my 5 day visit to Bill Coperthwaite's home and my experiences with him.

Let's make it happen, maybe a potluck supper?... Everyone could bring something to the table to share I could meet you & whomever else out in Rome, NY and lead the way back into my piece of the woods.

I'll be arriving back in town on Sep. 10th & would love to arrange a get together of some kind.

-Talk Soon

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Old 09-06-2012, 01:21 PM   #12
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Steve, the name here is Jeff. How long are you going to be around? Next week is a crazy week for me, but the following week does not look too bad. Would definitely like to set up a time to get together.

- Jeff
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Old 01-28-2013, 04:42 PM   #13
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Hello darlings! My bf and I are interested in learning more about yurt living. I'm glad I did some fancy googling and found this forum and even more excited to learn there is a manufacturer in NY! We plan to be settling in Vermont. I would love to hear about your experiences, both pro and con about yurt living in that type of climate and other random things that we would need to know before making this dream come true
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Old 01-28-2013, 11:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by LadyRiggy View Post
Hello darlings! My bf and I are interested in learning more about yurt living. I'm glad I did some fancy googling and found this forum and even more excited to learn there is a manufacturer in NY! We plan to be settling in Vermont. I would love to hear about your experiences, both pro and con about yurt living in that type of climate and other random things that we would need to know before making this dream come true
Welcome aboard!

Could you tell us a little more about what kind of yurt you are looking for? Traditional, fabric, architectural, solid?

There is also a manufacturer in NH which may be close to you:

Welcome to White Mountain Yurts

But manufacturer location is a small part of the equation. It has to be the right yurt for you!
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Old 01-29-2013, 09:26 AM   #15
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Right now we are looking at something a little more stable than canvas. We want to keep as close to the traditional yurt experience as possible but I've traveled with sideshows for the past 10 years and I know that canvas can be difficult. Whether yurt canvas is more durable due to manufacturing and not being put up and taken down as much I don't know. With show tents, they are put up in 24 hours, left alone for a week or two and then taken down in another 24 hours so wear and tear on them is ridiculous.
Our yurt would be put up and not go anywhere. We just want a piece of land with a yurt on it so we can live quietly and as much off the land as possible. We would like to use solar panels, wood stove, and maybe dig out a small basement so we can install things like indoor plumbing.
I'll check out the other site you sent me. Thanks so much!
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Old 01-29-2013, 08:07 PM   #16
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Vermont can get quite a bit of snow and you are looking for a full time residence, so I am thinking you are going to want space and strength. You are fortunate that you are in Vermont because I hear they are very liberal with the building codes when it comes to yurts. I would definitely look into the

White Mountain Yurts

because you are more likely to find some close to you to look at, and they may also be familiar to local code enforcement.
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Old 01-29-2013, 08:19 PM   #17
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It's starting to look like we are NOT going to go with a pre-fab yurt and just design and build one ourselves. Not technically "ourselves" per se, but since making the announcement that we planned to do this we have gotten a ton of support from family and friends which was not expected at all (but still nice). Everyone agrees it is the perfect choice for us.
Vermont is pretty relaxed about building codes which is great! Right now we are looking into as many green energy initiatives as possible. Without a doubt we are doing solar panels and we are discussing alternative donnikers. A friend of mine runs an


company and she has never insulated a yurt before so she is coming up with so many different ideas and doing so much research and is looking forward to adding our little home to her resume and insulating future yurts.
I am quite looking forward to seeing how quickly it can be put up and taken down because with rising fuel costs, as a career traveler I can tell you that RV's are getting to be a pain to live in.
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Old 01-29-2013, 09:19 PM   #18
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OK, well if you are looking for something you can put up and break down, then you may want to talk with Steve:

Yurt Forum - A Yurt Community - View Profile: Surely Yurts - Steve

He builds some really nice yurts that one/two person teams can setup fast.

He builds them himself so he has a lot of information.

I would also recommend some of the books here:

YurtInfo.org :: Bookstore

Especially the "Living in the Round" book which will answer many questions you have about what kind of yurt you may want to build/buy.
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Old 02-18-2013, 09:25 PM   #19
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Here at

Clean air Yurts

, we focus on either fast and light

portable yurts

as well as permanent yurts built, not out of fabric, but out of natural solid materials such as wood and metal so that you can have a yurt-shaped home with the durability and


of a real house. If you are living full time or even just thinking about a structure that is not meant to be portable, then you should build a structure that is designed to be comfortable and durable, as opposed to a fabric yurt where the cover will break down and need to be replaced.

We are starting to market metal yurt buildings this year and have in the past built wooden walled yurts with metal roofs. These buildings are built like houses and so are more expensive, but I can offer low-cost kits if you want to finish out a shell yourself. The durability and comfort alone are worth the extra expense, not to mention the fact that you can have a fully insulated structure.
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