06-15-2017, 03:31 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: Victoria
Posts: 7
Re: Wood stove vs. Pellet Stove
Originally Posted by hierony
If it were somewhere near the Arctic, getting some natural gas from relatively-close oil fields might be better :P
I would consider a kerosene heater in such a situation. The ships run off diesel, the generators likely run off diesel, etc--use the fuel that's already there (penguin guano?). Diesel is pretty similar to kerosene and can usually be burned as a heating oil--I'm reading up on adding isopropyl alcohol for a cleaner burn tonight though. Of course, depends on the diesel (older stuff had higher sulfur & would stink nasty from my reading) and the particular heater. Given that yurts are generally drafty a non-vented version might be alright, but an arctic yurt might be a bit better sealed.
By SeaCan do you mean an insulated shipping container? Just the container usually isn't expensive (2-3k USD used), but shipping (ironically) might be spendy and insulating it would cost some. A yurt setup for the arctic might be around 20-30k USD...
I am thinking that a gas stove will have to be the way forward, kerosene or propane could work depending in the efficiency as they are always there. There should be plenty of other fuel available, although I think most of it is fairly dirty and wouldn't burn very clean. I know when my Dad worked on the other Pole he used Nav Gas(airplane fuel) for fire sometimes but that has to be mixed with stuff to titrate it a little.
The SeaCans are all form some company, and they do the shipping and install plus sale for around $60,000 AUS which is bloody ridiculous, but I think there might have been some collusion that was happening between our company and theirs (and I think it is souring due to the fact they are asking me to look at other options). I think for anyone having to stay in camp for an extra long period (6+ months) would enjoy the privacy that they would have in their own Yurt as well.