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Yurts in Asia
Mongolian and Kazakh style yurts where I have stayed while travelling in Asia.
Everything is close to the road to facilitate moving by truck when the time comes.
A nice sunny afternoon... one of the few.  We were rained on most every day.  August is the rainy month according to our guide.
On the edge of the "Little Gobi".  Over grazing and deforestation are making this area expand, according to our guide.
The outside had faded to yellow, but the inside was still colorful.
Yurts and solar panels are a natural.
In the "black market" in UB, stoves and pipe section.
In the "black market" in UB, stoves and pipe section.
In the "black market" in UB, stoves and pipe section.
After 6 hours on horseback in the rain to get here, we were very happy to have a fire and a warm yurt to dry out in. Y3
Wet stuff hanging every where.  The big silver urn is horses milk they are fermenting to make vodka. Y3
Kind of homey. Y3
This time we had to put the stove pipe up and get a fire  going.  Wide linoleum rolled out on the ground which had swept clean of pebbles was a...
Our packs and food on the bed.  The floor was still damp from being mopped. Y4
Nice paint job. Y4
Waiting to get started.  Dented, but functional. Y4
LED, and still hiding from the rain.  We did not know August was the rainiest month of the year. Y4
Getting ready to eat, and a spare door frame. Y2
Relaxing driver, while lunch is cooking. A restaurant along the way. Y2
More spare parts in the restaurant along the way. Y2
A handy clothes rack, and the water barrel. Y2
The goat and sheep herd outside. Y1
The family point of respect. Y1
The battery, solar charge controller, satellite box and monitor, where they offer to share Chinese soap operas with us. ;-)  Y1
Beds/couches and what looked like chests-of-drawers were the most common furniture, along with a wood stove of course.  Y1
A small gas stove came out of the cupboard to cook on. Rugs everywhere to make it more comfortable. Y1

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