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Pacific Yurts Article

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Old 05-14-2012, 10:00 AM   #1
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Default Pacific Yurts article

Interesting article about

Pacific Yurts


Yurts endure | Longtime Cottage Grove firm finds itself on the right side of trends

Here is a little snippet:

A few feet inside the warehouses, it smells like any other wood products manufacturing center: sawdust. But what’s neatly stacked this way and that are no ordinary two-by-fours. They’re curved.

Welcome to

Pacific Yurts

, a Lane County company that has been the industry leader in the yurt-making business since yurt making became a business, at least on a major scale. Which makes sense, really, because before a young college graduate named Alan Bair spotted a National Geographic article on Central Asia 40 years ago, these funny-looking round structures were the stuff of nomadic sheepherders....

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Old 08-08-2012, 10:33 PM   #2
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Default yurt friendly counties in the pacific northwest

I would like to have a thread started on full time yurt living and what specific counties are "pro yurt". That is to say where can one get a permit to put up az yurt and live in it "full time". I think it would be a great help in narrowing down the possibilities of finding a suitable area to live. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am thinking Oregon and Washington.

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Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Old 08-09-2012, 01:20 AM   #3
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Yurts of Hawaii
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Mike, that might go well in the "Yurt Permitting" section I posted a while back. Keep in mind, every area is different and every area that isn't yurt friendly could use a persistent group of people to help educate officials as to the strengths and durability of yurts. Go with a good, reputable company that has done their engineering. That's critical for a yurt you hope to build 'permanent'. If you have that, you're halfway there. The other half is being diplomatic and persistent in getting that info out there to the right people. Get a local architect to help you.

The only places I wouldn't put a yurt and expect it to withstand the elements are in zones where hurricanes hit frequently and you have to worry about other people's homes coming and wiping out your yurt. But then, I wouldn't put many houses at all in that situation... maybe a monolithic



It's all about shifting these modern paradigms of ours. Officials can be the hardest to bring around, but it can be done. Just point to areas where it is being done already and make their job easy.

Regarding the article, what a great review/recap for Pacific Yurts. It's always great to read successful yurt stories, isn't it?
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:48 AM   #4
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Here is the permitting a yurt discussion that might help you out Mike:

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pacific yurts

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