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What Is The Total Realistic Cost?

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Old 12-04-2012, 01:21 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Default What is the total realistic cost?

I've just started thinking about buying some land in upstate NY, maybe Greene County, and am wondering what the realistic cost is of getting a yurt. We're a family of 4, and I'd like to get a large yurt, maybe around 30'. I saw on a website (Colorado something) that it's $10,000, but would it be at least another $10,000 for all the other set ups? All the extras like snow and wind cover, a well, a ground platform, building a kitchen, and whatever else there is? I want to be able to decide if this will even be an option for us, or there might be something else.

It would only be for a year or so, until we could get a mortgage and buy a house. This seems expensive! Are there cheaper options for temporarily living on land? Or is this the best? So, what kind of rough total am I looking at on top of the cost of the actual yurt? Thanks so much!

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Old 12-04-2012, 03:26 PM   #2
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Welcome to the site!

Many of the yurts you are looking at, while considered temporary in many places, are structures that can last quite some time. To build a yurt you describe would probably cost between $25,000 - $30,000. You are going to have to build some sort of platform, and if you are going to reside in it, the town is probably going to want you to upgrade the


. Wiring, gas and septic would have to be to code.

Now with this being said, you could re-sell most of this away after 1 year and recover a good portion of your money providing it is in good condition.

I would definitely check with the town/city to see if they have approved yurts in the past, and if so, which manufacturer did they approve. It will save you some $$ I would think.

Honestly though, if you are just looking for a structure to live in for a year and then be done with it, then I would just get a second hand trailer while you build. Much cheaper and everything is in it. In fact, I do believe you can lease them.
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Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Old 12-04-2012, 03:40 PM   #3
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Posts: 6

Wow, do you mean $25,000-$30,000 as well as the cost of the actual yurt? And you can resell the entire thing for someone to put up somewhere else?

I was wondering about the resale value. Thanks so much for this information!
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Old 12-04-2012, 03:55 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Ives View Post
Wow, do you mean $25,000-$30,000 as well as the cost of the actual yurt? And you can resell the entire thing for someone to put up somewhere else?

I was wondering about the resale value. Thanks so much for this information!
That is total. It depends on a few things such as upgrades etc.. Shipping is a bit costly. Someone can take down the entire yurt (not platform) and put it up somewhere else yes. I am assuming you are installing barebones type of things like a basic wood stove or propane heater, a basic gas fired oven, etc.. The more intricate you get to more expensive it is. I will say this, this time of year is a good time to shop around for yurts. Many of the companies are having inventory sales and you can get some pretty decent deals.

Pacific Yurts

for example, is having a 10% off in stock yurts sale right now.
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