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Looking For Someone That Has Experience In Financing A Yurt As A Permenant Residence.

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Old 02-28-2013, 09:47 AM   #1
Jafo's Avatar
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Default Re: Looking for someone that has experience in financing a yurt as a permenant reside


Welcome to the site!

From what I see on their site, they will sell you the engineered plans for the walls, and anything else you may add, as long as you purchase the roof from them too. Probably not a bad idea because as they state, the roof is the most intricate part. Depending on what you want to do, that could be probably anywhere between $500 - $2,000 to get that done from them. If you can get an estimate from them on the materials needed, you can then run those #'s through your contractor and then probably get a ballpark on what it would cost for them to build it. The contractor could probably ballpark you what the electrical and septic costs might be. Once you get those numbers, that's when I would think about approaching the bank. I wouldn't even mention the word yurt to the bank if you can avoid it. Just say you want to build a house, if they ask more, a round house. They should be happy with any wooden house that meets code IMO.
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Old 02-28-2013, 11:55 AM   #2
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Default Re: Looking for someone that has experience in financing a yurt as a permenant reside

Thank you Jafo!

I think that is exactly what I am going to do yurts are extremely popular in Oregon (Especially in our state parks), but only the canvas kind, and I know banks would turn away to that idea. I have already had to make sure to be careful and not blurt out the word "yurt" while talking to our lending company, and I'll just keep it to myself until we are to the point we have to show them our plans. We are so excited, and I am sure you will be seeing me around here often!
Thanks again!
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Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Old 03-06-2013, 10:02 PM   #3
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Default Re: Looking for someone that has experience in financing a yurt as a permenant reside

We just added a new manufacturer that produces and builds these kind of yurts:

California Yurts

They have an A+ rating with the BBB. I don't know a lot about them, but it looks like they have been around for a while. Hope it helps.
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