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Buying My First Yurt - Suggestions Welcome

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Old 06-30-2013, 11:00 AM   #11
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

Lots of good manufacturers to choose from with solid construction and competitive pricing. If buying used, give very close attention to the condition and of the outer wall and roof fabric as these can be extremely expensive to replace if not maintained adequately.

If buying new - at a very minimum, order with:



"tall walls"
Second entry door/exit
As many windows as possible

If possible, position yurt with maximum southern exposure

If you can afford it and your manufacturer offers, opt for rain gutters and harvest the water. You can collect a LOT of water quickly on a 30' yurt even in a small storm.

We live in our 30' pacific yurt full time in the cascade foothills. Lots of rain here, as much as anywhere I would guess. Heat is by wood, well water and some rainwater harvesting, organic garden and orchard, propane hot water, humanure composting. Grid power is very cheap here but otherwise an 8 panel rack and small bettery bank (around $3k new, mostly DIY with maybe a consultant/engineer to look it over) is really all it would take to cut the cord and be 100% off grid without sacrificing any comfort.

Also, if you ever decide to invest in a backup generator - buy one 30% bigger than you estimate you will need. The cost investment might only be a 1-200 dollars difference, but the flexibility you will have in the future when actually having to use it will be well worth the money.

Lots of options with a yurt, that's the real beauty. You can make them as simple as a dirt floor and kerosene heater, or a completely custom/craftsman urban getaway and everything in between.

Even though it is not your prority right now; build/buy as big as you think you could be comfortable in long-term. Because the more time you spend at "home," the more you'll wish you were at your yurt!

Last edited by bss; 06-30-2013 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 06-30-2013, 11:04 AM   #12
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

Also as jafo suggested, work with someone close to you to save on transport costs (which can quickly kill a budget) and other local specifics such as climate and balancing these with the proper yurt options for your needs.

Laurel nest yurts

In western NC is a quality builder with friendly folks and lots of experience. I would start there. Hope this helps
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Blue Ridge Yurts
Old 06-30-2013, 11:19 AM   #13
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And please please thinkmvery carefully about at least having two doors with any combustion source (woodstove, cook stove, pilot lights, candles, etc.) inside whatsoever.

In a yurt, if there is a fire in front of the one doorway you have, you are otherwise locked inside a cage. I know it seems unlikely and all. Still, dying by shrinkwrap inside a plastic house is no way to go. Very scary.
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Old 06-30-2013, 11:52 AM   #14
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

I'd also like to add in retrospect that I wish I had asked for two more door openings with frames but no doors. I would then install regular insulated windows in the door openings which allows for much more ventilation that can be opened and closed from the inside. I see the velcro attached, plastic windows to be a weak link in yurt living. I live in a part of country that is impossible to reside in in the summer given the heat and humidity without air conditioning, and I have my A/C unit installed in my second door in the plexiglas window area. You can buy retrofit windows that allow for inside operation, but they are crazy expensive compared to two additional window openings.
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Old 06-30-2013, 01:18 PM   #15
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

Something I've been wondering about for a while.
On a 30' yurt w the snowload 'studs'.....is it unreasonable to think that one could frame in windows between the 'studs'?
How wide is that dimension between the 'studs'?
Seems a casement window would work well.
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Old 06-30-2013, 01:57 PM   #16
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That is basically what is happening with the window upgrades you can buy, except it incorporates much more than what happens when you frame in a window. I would say that the widest width between studs is around 30-32 inches. It's hard to say exactly on the studs, because by having to work the rafters around the frame, you don't have exact distances between the studs. I believe it can be done, with creativity!
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:16 PM   #17
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

It would be pretty simple to frame it across studs - that's what is done in a stick-frame house, anyway. On Pacific Yurts' page they have this photo:

Or two. How did I make it dance like that?
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Old 07-03-2013, 09:58 PM   #18
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Hi Dan,
The dancing file is a gif file. You can combine several jpgs together sort of like an flip animation, or a slide show.

I have not done it recently, but I don't remember it being very hard using software.

The software I used in the past was Gimp, and it used to be a free download, but I have not looked at it lately.

Like everything, expect a learning curve. Your mileage may vary.

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Old 07-25-2013, 03:46 PM   #19
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

I suggest you buy MY
30 ft colorado yurt
If you are really not sure its an option with a lower start up cost. i built mine when i was single and then got married 6 months later. My wife was not as big on the idea of it so we just used it for a weekend cabin for a few years and now are taking it down to store it. It was a great experience doing the project but looking back now it was a big drain on our finances($40,000). So if you can find one in good shape with all the options you want and can save some money that is the way to go. A new yurt loses value faster than a new car!
IF you are interested we have a 30 footer with tall walls and


and two doors for sale. it was built for full time living. It even has central air-conditioning and a dishwasher.
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Old 07-26-2013, 12:06 AM   #20
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Default Re: Buying my first yurt - suggestions welcome

I am interested in learning about your yurt.
I plan on buying a 30 ft yurt this summer.
You can reach me thru this forum.
You can call me at 530 575 1842
I look forward to our conversation.
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blue ridge yurts, colorado yurts, moisture, pacific yurts

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