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Yurt Vapor Barriers To Combat Mould

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Old 11-24-2021, 09:34 AM   #11
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Default Re: Yurt vapor barriers to combat mould

A possibly interesting side note. I’m going on 9 years living full-time in a cold, often wet climate (NH). This fall I finally hauled out the ladder to wash the


on the inside. Went well. But on this sunny morning, I have a small (manageable) amount of “rain” collecting and dripping off the


. Nothing else has changed. I’m wondering if the dust and smoke film kept the dome frost from melting, collecting and forming drips. Not sure how that would translate into building, but maybe “less smooth” surfaces not a bad thing? Less cleaning and definitely no waxing. IDK. Just thought it was an interesting development. ��*♀️
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Old 11-24-2021, 09:36 AM   #12
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Default Re: Yurt vapor barriers to combat mould

PS. I’ve been super lucky to never have had a mold or


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Groovy Yurts
Old 11-24-2021, 10:56 AM   #13
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Default Re: Yurt vapor barriers to combat mould

Am I getting it right, you've had condensation on the inside of the dome since you washed the inside?

Did you wash anything else in the yurt?

The humidity seems to be too high.

At night or early in the morning, the temperature outside drops so much that


rises in the air.

A sufficient supply of fresh air is very important for the indoor climate. Incorrect ventilation and


or very strong


prevent an automatic exchange of humid air.

In order to ensure adequate air circulation in winter, you have to be careful not to set the


too high. Wet windows come about when the yurt is in a tropical climate of hot and wet.
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Old 11-24-2021, 12:06 PM   #14
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Default Re: Yurt vapor barriers to combat mould

Interesting observation you got there. Without further details, I would assume it to be because you had a fatty layer of grub on there. Water and fats don't go together so well.
The same layer of grub will be on everything above shoulder-height as well, living is not a clean business. Thats why I tear my whole thing down every year once, sometimes twice, and wash it all. You would not want to walk around in the same clothes for years on end either, right?

On the other hand, it shows you have relatively high moisture.
To say more about that there are details missing:
Do you have wood-stove?
With separate air-supply?
Any other heaters?
Do you cook inside?
On the stove or on gas?
Do you vent your cooking separately by a extractor or so?
So you have running water, shower and toilet inside?


, what stuff and how much/thick?
Floor insulated?
Any attempt at air-proofing?
Yurt diameter and possibly brand.
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Old 12-09-2021, 06:54 AM   #15
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Default Re: Yurt vapor barriers to combat mould

To be clear, I don’t have moisture or mold problems. Just an observation after I had washed the dome. There is often a frost/condensation layer on the dome, but it always just evaporated. It never ran together enough to drop off. And occasionally still does “sprinkle” since my last post. But not always. And we are talking maybe 100-200 drips on the floor. Not hours and hours. The whole thing was an observation of a possible issues with yurts being too clean and/or too smooth. I’m sure the dome had a film of smoke, dirt, sweat, cat hair, bug poop, etc on it. That’s why I washed it. Lol.

And yes. I understand how condensation forms. Different temperatures colliding. Made worse if the air (usually the warmer air) has a lot of moisture in it. Here are answers to your questions - (it IS an excellent list to consider!), but more for others looking for real world, yurt living details. I have a 24’ White Mountain Yurt. Heat only with a wood stove with no outside venting. I did consider adding outside venting - more to lessen the yurt’s natural draftiness*. Never followed through. Cook and heat water with a Colman 2-burner propane stove. No special venting for that. Do cover any pots though more for efficiency than to lessen condensation. A few times each winter, I’ll make bone broth for 3-5 days on the wood stove and that is probably when I get the most condensation in the yurt. I also bring my laundry home from the laundromat and hang it inside to dry by the wood stove. Mostly dries overnight and the yurt might be a bit damper the next morning. I do hang it outside year round - if I get home in time to actually do that before the sun goes down. No bathroom or running water. Just use gallons of water one at a time, which I can refill at a local, awesome, year round Spring about 20 minutes away. I do have a Shewee (feminine funnel) I use all the time in the yurt, night and day. Both for convenience and because one doesn’t want a lot of urine in one’s composting toilet. (When I need to dump the urine, I walk to where I ended the day before and continuously mark about a half acre around the yurt to hopefully let the local wildlife know this is my territory and don’t mess with the cat). Each fall on the first cold, windy day I’m home and in the mood, I circle the yurt looking for drafts and plug those. Prior to that, I go under the platform and make sure there are no new holes or gaps to plug. During the coldest part of winter, I will often shove fleece jackets or blankets or whatever around the windows. Sometimes first sliding a 5’ by 5’ square of Reflexics between the window vinyl and lattice. Especially at night or when it’s below zero. Then slide it aside on warmer sunny days. My yurt is out in the open enough to get a good amount of passive solar heat. I considered attempting to cinch down around the bottom of the yurt outside, but never followed through with that either. Sometimes in the dead of winter, I will close up the door to the west, pushing strips of foam or whatever to seal up the frame and only use the other door. (Though not sealed enough I couldn’t easily get out quickly if need be). And all this is obviously more about staying warmer than condensation issues, though the two are related). Other than that sort of temporary insulation, I’ve never tried to add more insulation than what came with the winter package. I NEVER open the dome in the winter. That is just asking for problems, IMO. The

yurt platform

is insulated. Though guessing after 10 years, the mice have move and/or removed and/or fouled some amount of that. I’m considering pulling down the bottom panels next summer and redoing if needed. Though what a nasty job. Bleck.

Hope this info is helpful. I’d love to read success stories/tips from others!! And honestly. I’ve said it a dozen times on this forum. HOT WATER BOTTLES. Heat the bed, heat the cat, heat me while I’m sitting and reading, eating, or on my iphone. They are AWESOME. Especially when off grid. Otherwise I’d probably just use an electric blanket. Also closed cell camping sleeping pads. Can use those ANY time or situation you need to insulate yourself from something sucking your heat. Maybe a couch on a Friday night (that has been in a 20 degrees frozen yurt all week, your feet insulated from the cold floor, your coffee mug, your bum insulated from a cold toilet seat. Closed cell foam is amazing, super useful stuff in cold climates. Cheap, light weight. Awesome. Hope everyone is happy and healthy! Happy holidays! - Cindy

*Before Covid. Yurts are drafty. After Covid. Yurts have excellent air exchange. Haha
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Old 12-09-2021, 11:00 AM   #16
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Default Re: Yurt vapor barriers to combat mould

Cindy, you've lived in a yurt for ten years? That's a whole lot of experience. Thanks for the down to earth useful tips!
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