01-28-2014, 08:08 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Yurt Insulation- Fleece
Alexis, the fleece I'm thinking of is petroleum based. Did you know fleece is EXTREMELY nasty when it catches fire? Drippy burning petroleum products are literally hell on earth. NO WAY would I wrap my wood stove heated yurt with fleece, regardless of how cheap it is.
I read commentary of a bow hunter that was wearing fleece on a hunting trip up in the Yukon. A Coleman gas fueled fire set his fleece on fire. He couldn't get out the door fast enough. He had to be medevact out of there. He will wear burn scars for the rest of his life from fleece that caught fire. Had he been wearing wool it would have been a different outcome.
That true story is something to be seriously considered. If you heat your yurt with a woodstove, unlikely as it imay be, 'IF' your yurt were to catch on fire, and there are people inside, it will likely be VERY VERY BAD news. Just saying. I wouldn't do it.
Good luck.