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Wood Yurt On Concrete Slab

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Old 03-29-2016, 08:54 PM   #1
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Default Wood Yurt on Concrete Slab

Has anyone built a wood yurt on a concrete slab/foundation? If so, what were some of the things you thought about with the design? Right now I am thinking about the following:

- Square or circle? For either one, how much larger than the actual yurt to make it?
- Anchoring, either embedded or drilling afterwards
- If there will be plumbing/electrical at some point later, is it better to go through the foundation now or just go through the wall at some point in the future?

Thinking about a lot more, those are just the initial things I am working on.

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Old 03-29-2016, 10:36 PM   #2
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Default Re: Wood Yurt on Concrete Slab


Personally I think an insulated wooden platform is much better but if you want concrete:

Originally Posted by JBjunior View Post

- Square or circle? For either one, how much larger than the actual yurt to make it?
Circle. Think about the rain flowing down the walls. It needs to run off somewhere, so make the circle the same diameter as the yurt. The dimensions and platform plans should come from any manufacturer with your yurt.

If you must go square you will need to raise at least 3 inches for the actual round yurt base so you don't flood the floor.

Originally Posted by JBjunior View Post
- Anchoring, either embedded or drilling afterwards
You can add the band around the base of the platform after the concrete sets, pre-drill and use 'Tap-Cons'.

Originally Posted by JBjunior View Post

- If there will
be plumbing/electrical at some point later, is it better to go through the foundation now or just go through the wall at some point in the future?
Could go either way, but much much easier to put floor drains in concrete before the pour.

Last edited by Jafo; 03-30-2016 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 03-30-2016, 12:45 AM   #3
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Default Re: Wood Yurt on Concrete Slab

Not so much that I want concrete, if it is to be permitted, the code enforcer said that it has to be on concrete.

This is permitting it as a auxiliary building.
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Old 03-30-2016, 06:33 AM   #4
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Default Re: Wood Yurt on Concrete Slab

I would lay out your plumbing first. In fact, if possible, you may want to consider radiant floor


in the slab (depending on your location and budget). Radiant


is IMO, bar-none the best form of heat for a yurt. It is efficient and it saves you precious floor space.

I myself would not go with the square. It would make it hard to anchor the yurt for one thing. If you make a round one, with a wooden edge, you can anchor the lattice to the edge. That is pretty important. Otherwise, you will have to embed anchors into the slab and anchor the second platform to it. Yes, you will need to build a platform on top of the square slab because the yurt wall should overlap below the floor so rain water flows past the platform to prevent flooding.

Depending on location would also dictate a round single platform being a better idea. Imagine if you will, snow melting on the square platform and the water rising up above the round platform on top of it. That could get wet fast.

Please do let us know how your permitting process turns out. We get A LOT of questions about that here, so any information you can throw our way will almost definitely help someone else in the future.

Thanks and good luck!
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:02 AM   #5
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Default Re: Wood Yurt on Concrete Slab

I have a round modern yurt on concrete platform. Mine is the same size as yurt so water does not coming inside yurt. I added a wood deck. Tapcons work well.
I would definitely put the pipes and conduit in before you pour unless that meant a separate inspection for plumbing or electrical. I avoid codes/inspector.

Good luck
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Old 12-15-2016, 08:58 PM   #6
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Default Re: Wood Yurt on Concrete Slab

I would love an update on this initial post. This is exactly what I am about to build this coming spring. We are building it ourselves for the most part. I'd love to hear how this turned out for you and would appreciate any tips or knowledge on the subject. I'm wondering about the roofing system and where to get the metal ring etc. Mandala Homes does the style I am aiming for...so I'm trying to grasp their concept. Airplane grade cable for the roof? Does anyone know much about this? Any advice for a DIYer like me on wooden yurts....please send that my way! Thank you!!!
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Old 02-22-2017, 06:33 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jafo View Post
I would lay out your plumbing first. In fact, if possible, you may want to consider radiant floor heating in the slab (depending on your location and budget). Radiant heating is IMO, bar-none the best form of heat for a yurt. It is efficient and it saves you precious floor space.

I myself would not go with the square. It would make it hard to anchor the yurt for one thing. If you make a round one, with a wooden edge, you can anchor the lattice to the edge. That is pretty important. Otherwise, you will have to embed anchors into the slab and anchor the second platform to it. Yes, you will need to build a platform on top of the square slab because the yurt wall should overlap below the floor so rain water flows past the platform to prevent flooding.

Depending on location would also dictate a round single platform being a better idea. Imagine if you will, snow melting on the square platform and the water rising up above the round platform on top of it. That could get wet fast.

Please do let us know how your permitting process turns out. We get A LOT of questions about that here, so any information you can throw our way will almost definitely help someone else in the future.

Thanks and good luck!
can you recommend me to a good thread on this subject?
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