09-07-2019, 09:39 AM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Wood for lattice wall.
The lath on my small yurt is 5/16ths by 1.5" hem/fir construction lumber. At that size steaming is not required it readily bends and twists. Premium wall lattice around here in the standard 3/4" x 1.5" dimension would be made from clear Douglas Fir. I don't have a clue whether U.S. manufacturerers steam lath that size.
I don't know squat about steaming wood. As for technique, I suggest watching youtube videos on bending yurt wall lattice? Based on what I have seen-not done-they need to be very pliable when pulled from the staem box. That means extremely hot so gloves will be on when removing the lath from the steamer. Stacking as in your photo will keep the pieces drying in a proper orientation to imo that is a good idea. Maybe someone else with bending experience will comment. Good luck.