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Venting A Pellet Stove

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Old 12-21-2014, 12:46 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Default Venting a pellet stove

Greetings fellow yurt dwellers,
I'm getting ready to install a pellet stove in my new yurt and had a question about venting: the stove guys say the stove can be vented straight out, horizontally without any vertical rise, rather than a traditiobnal chimmney. Anyone have any practical experience with this and a yurt? Any risk of damaging the outside cover?

thanks in advance!


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Old 12-21-2014, 05:24 PM   #2
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Default Re: Venting a pellet stove

They are correct because the pellet stove creates its own draft with the fan, however, give yourself plenty of clearance from the end of the pipe to the yurt cover. There is still some soot that comes out and can blacken the fabric(s).
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Old 12-22-2014, 11:44 AM   #3
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Default Re: Venting a pellet stove

Hi Dave,

The stove can be vented straight out the back, but this might require some sealant between your stove flashing and side cover to prevent water from infiltrating. When you vent higher on the wall the exterior piece of flashing can slip under the top cover valance and not require a sealant, which is preferable.
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Old 12-06-2015, 07:49 AM   #4
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Default Re: Venting a pellet stove

Can someone tell why a pellet stove can't vent into masonory chimney with a clay liner.I live in VA and just bought pellet stove always had wood stove wife tired of mess bugs cutting of wood so on you get my point. Installing a 5790 Vogelzang pellet stove in basement want to use existing thimble mad me a piece up 8 x 4 reducer.My manual came with stove says use simpson dura vent or metal fab pipe say don't use type b or galvanized pipe. Can some one explain why can't use galvanized or type B its much cheaper and its already gonna be inside clay liner. I have access to both liners cleanout doors.Whats the most economical way to vent both stoves and chimneys.Basement stove VG5790 its about 25ft. run to he top of liner clay liner is 8 1/2 by 12 1/2 . Upstairs stove is older stove very well maitained Avalon 900 pi insert stove putitng in fireplace clay liner is 12 1/2 by 12 1/2 about 11ft to 12ft run at the most top of liner could someone please please help me trying to figure most cost efficent way to vent these and get the most out of my stoves HELP PLEASE!!!!
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Old 12-06-2015, 09:18 PM   #5
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Default Re: Venting a pellet stove

Hmm, not sure what the reasoning is. I have a pellet stove insert that went into our old fireplace and they used flexpipe up the chimney. The Pellet stove creates a bit of ash and having it contained in that pipe really makes it easy to clean. I am thinking that a pipe that lets that fine ash escape, is going to create a dusty condition. As for just using the chimney, I think the reason may be because the stove will not heat the chimney enough to create a draft strong enough to take all the flu gasses out, so you could risk them entering the house. Here is the flex pipe they used on my install:

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Old 12-07-2015, 06:47 PM   #6
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Default Re: Venting a pellet stove

We have friends that installed their pellet stove in the fireplace opening. I can't remember if the pellet stove had a flue installed within the existing chimney.
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