05-13-2013, 09:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,435
Re: Set Up Instructions for Borealis Yurt?
I never heard of them. Basically you build a platform, setup the door, and then you roll out your lattice. Try to make sure the lattice is the same height all the way around. Try to keep it all within a 1/2 inch.
Lay you cable in the crotches of the lattic, keeping the section where they come together above the door.
With some help from friends, try to get some rafters started by inserting them on opposite sides of the ring (not one side all at once).
I dunno if you have rafter supports (studs) or not, but if so, now is when you attach them. Roll out your roof and connect the sides. Install if applicable.
That is basically it in a nutshell, but there are a bunch of little tricks an gotcha's in between. Hard to tell you exactly what to do with a yurt I have never seen before.