04-21-2017, 11:30 AM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: seaming canvas
Hi Benene,
I bought a square canvas tarp a few feet bigger than my yurts diameter. Layed it atop the rafters and centered it. Marked the tarp with a sharpie a few inches smaller than the inside diameter of the smoke hole, and cut that out, just to rough size, so I could make a tight fold in the tarp. That way the tarp laid nice and flat flat on the rafters and not bunched up at the smoke hole.
Once folded snug I sharpied fold along both edges, and made witness marks for alignment about every foot down the seam. Cut out the pie shape and flat felled the seam.
Reinstalled the cover and centralized the hole over the ring. Remarked the hole for final cut two inches smaller than the inside diameter of the ring. Walked around the outside perimeter of yurt and sharpied a cut line on the tarp about two feet down from the top of the lattice. Remove tarp.
Cut and seamed the hole. Added fifteen anchor loops of webbing at the hole seam to lash to screw eyes in the ring. No plex bubble atop the yurt so it needed to be anchored. Cut and seam the perimeter. Added webbing loops equidistant around the perimeter seam for lashing. All that I just invented and it has worked great.
Alot of work, but actually easy. Cover couldn't fit any better. I did all this plus made the wall cover with my Moms portable sewing machine. An industrial machine is really the way to go for this stuff.