07-30-2020, 09:43 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Q: Thickness of polyacrylic domes?
Good job. Thanks for the post.
A few years ago I was in our house, when suddenly out of nowhere there came a very loud noise, like a jet was about to crash nearby. As it turned out the noise wasn't a jet, it was a large whirlwind, with all manner of debris blowing around within it, just like in the movies.
It went screaming over our house, trashing shingles in the process. I ran from the office to the back slider and looked out and saw the whirlwind hit the back yard, and head directly towards my yurt. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Sure enough it hit it dead center. The split second it hit, the cover inflated like a bomb went off inside, cover way off all wood lath and rafters, it looked like a balloon. A second later after it passed over the cover deflated to normal size. I thought I was gonna have a second yurt destroyed by wind.
The only damage was some laths broke. If that yurt wasn't solidly anchored to the platform and by the bridle, it would have gotten wasted. Moral to story, anchor your yurt.