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Planning To Build A Yurt In Czech Republic

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Old 09-18-2014, 06:30 PM   #41
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Default Re: Planning to build a yurt in Czech Republic

We all make mistakes friend. I've been carpentering for 41 years, and I still make them.
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Old 09-19-2014, 03:40 PM   #42
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Default Re: Planning to build a yurt in Czech Republic

I just hope my mistakes won't lead to an unexpected floor deck collapse someday. I mean, I've been around woodworking quite a bit, I can forge and do several kinds of crafts, but I've never built large stuff like this.
So anyway, today we laid most of the floor boards and all that's left to do is to cut them round again on the edge, then use leftovers and cut up one remaining board to cover the empty spots yet.

Floor will be all done, just thinking of some material that could be used to cover the side of the floor "cake" and possibly create sort of raised rim around the edge, so our khana walls would not slip over the edge when we build the actual yurt. I'll surely bolt the walls to the floor on couple spots when we're done, but a rim around would be very helpful at the beginning (could also help against draft under the wall). Not sure what to use...some cheap construction material that comes in large stripes would be great. Something stiff enough to hold itself as the rim. Could use metal sheet, but not sure. Ideas?

Last edited by Knecht; 09-19-2014 at 03:50 PM.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:24 PM   #43
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Default Re: Planning to build a yurt in Czech Republic

My platform doesn't have an edge clad strip. I used 2x6 for deck, and just let the cover drape over the deck edge. The yurt is 2" smaller in dia. than the deck so it sits inboard the final cut by 1" all around.

However, a standard way to finish the edge of the platform would be to use sheet goods, like 3/8ths ext grade plywood or OSB, ripped to the width you want. If you can't do the ripping, your lumber supplier can do it for you for a reasonable charge. With either a good coat of paint would be advisable to help preclude water damage.

I suggest to anchor all the yurt wall crosses to the deck. That way the erected yurt frame will act as a stiffener for a lively floor.

I anchored my yurt wall crosses to the platform with home made L brackets fabricated from 3/4" strap steel. Very cheap, very stout, and totally worth the time to make and install. There is a close up pic of the bracket on this site under 'home made yurt'.
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Old 09-19-2014, 05:05 PM   #44
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Thanks for the ideas. If a thin OSB could be bent around the edge without breaking, then it's good. I've also thought about using "sololit" boards, those are very cheap and bend nicely, but don't withstand


much and it can be a while before the yurt gets a roof. I'd be worried about it, even if protected by paint.
I remember seeing your brackets a while back, I think I'll use the same way to attach my khana.
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Old 09-19-2014, 10:05 PM   #45
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Default Re: Planning to build a yurt in Czech Republic

7/16ths OSB will definitely bend to the shape of your yurt. Anchoring it might be a problem, might not, I'm not there to see.

The real issue with OSB is that once if it repeatedly gets wet it starts to degrade. I'd go for plywood myself. With either they need paint. Plywood, even exterior grade, will start to delam when it gets wet. I've just seen this happen to material I have left in my fire wood pile.

I've never heard of sololit. If you think there's gonna be a problem with it-there likely will be a problem. Many times you have to go with your gut feeling.

Strip flashing in a roll is a possibility. I haven't a clue how well it would work. If I were you I'd drape the yurt cover over whatever you clad the edge with. That will solve water problems on the edge, and keep water out of the yurt as well.

I'd paint the floor if it will be quite some time before the cover is up. I painted mine. No water issues at all.
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Old 09-20-2014, 01:08 PM   #46
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I'll surely paint the floor. Also planning to drape the yurt wall fabric over the floor edge, just thought it wouldn't hurt having a raised rim around it.
I think sololit is just a local product, though I belive similar materials are known everywhere. It's made of fine wood fibers, sort of wooden felt, that is added some hardening compound and pressed into boards. Not bad for backs of furniture, though sucks for outdoor use. I'll likely go with the OSB or plywood as you say.

Finished the floor boards today:
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Old 09-20-2014, 03:15 PM   #47
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That's definitely taking shape. Your pics are making a good buildalong for others to see.

When you clad the edge, you might consider applying a fat bead of foam friendly adhesive. I use alot of adhesive at work, but I've never glued foam, or I'd suggest a brand name.
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Old 09-20-2014, 04:14 PM   #48
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I think I'll use the same PU sticky foam that I used for attaching the


layer. The OSB boards are also glued with it.

Been lot of sawing today, hand-cutting through 20m of 15mm OSB. But I kept my intention to use few or no power tools, so...

Now I have to wait for the khana and roof laths from the lumber shop. Meanwhile I could work on the roof ring, but I'd rather do it when I have the wall in place and could use the roof rafters for measuring and such.
Not sure if I should make the ring with drilled holes, slots, or go some of the modern ways and use metal brackets around the ring or spikes on the rafter ends.

I could also work on my smitty build meanwhile and let the yurt aside for a while, till the lumber arrives.
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Old 09-20-2014, 06:40 PM   #49
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I'd go with a slotted ring, because a slotted ring 'will not' twist. As your diameter is nearing 20' I'd use 1x4s instead of 1x3s.

As I've said before on many threads, you can google the slotted ring I built at:

clan yama kaminari yurt

Click on yurt build and scroll down to the roof ring. I built my ring using that basic idea. I used sized and beveled 4x4 for spacers instead of the goofy 1x spacer system in the plan. I assembled with PL urethane construction glue and 3" plated screws. Pilot holes drilled to prevent splis in the spacers. I can attest that my ring is one stout mother.

I used power tools to make my ring. That ring is a snap to build if you have them. Without them....well...remember perserverance furthurs lol. I can't help you with doing it by hand it would be incredibly tough.

Cool avatar BTW. I'm a shooter too.
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Old 09-20-2014, 07:08 PM   #50
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Thanks, I have that clan yama kaminari yurt plan printed and I used it for the khana counting and planning already. Now I'll study the ring plans. Will see what I can do...found some old, well dried and nicely thick planks among my materials that would likely be great to cut up into sections and assembled into a multi-layered wheel.

Also not sure about the ring's


. Would like to use some of the traditional shapes, just fitted to modern needs. I'll be living it the yurt over winter, so I can't have it open anywhere. Need to put my stove pipe through it for sure. So I guess one section of the


will have to be filled with metal sheet with a hole in it. I saw that on a Mongolian recent yurt. Perhaps I could put glass into the other sections, which they also seem to do.

Glad you like my avatar and glad to meet another gunpowder addict! That's my memorial photo of my first range day with my first modern rifle, couple years back (I was more into black powder and archery before then). I bought or sold several guns since, but still keep and love this one, my modernized vz.58.

Last edited by Knecht; 09-20-2014 at 07:16 PM.
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