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Planning To Build A Yurt In Czech Republic

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Old 06-02-2014, 05:15 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 234
Default Planning to build a yurt in Czech Republic

Hi, I'm new here. Just started planning to build a yurt here in the Czech Republic. I'm about to lose my job in couple months (not really crying for that) and I plan (and hope) to make stuff for reenactors, survivalists and bushcrafters for living. I can forge, carve wood, sew fabric and leather and so on, so I hope I'll have enough to offer. These skills also allow me to build a yurt by myself. Was thinking of a log house at first, but since I'm not sure where am I going to live in the end, I'll start with yurt, built at my family's property (so no initial investments to buy land). We also have our cottage here, mainly use it for weekends and holidays, but it's livable all year round. Not big enough for both me and my wife living there AND my family coming for holidays, so I've decided to add a room for us simply by building a yurt nearby. If we end up moving elsewhere, doing different job or building a real house somewhere, the yurt can be packed and brought with us, possibly serving as temporary living place at some new construction site. And maybe we'll like it so much that we won't even wish to leave it, who knows. I always liked yurts and this seems to be a great opportunity to try it.
I want to make it simple, not many modern materials or accessories. If I end up freezing there during the winter, I can always move to the cottage nearby and spend the winter there.

As any newbie, I have many questions. I'm trying to find answers myself, got the handbook by P.R. King "Build your own yurt" and I'm about to meet a colleague archaeologist who travelled through Mongolia, living in a yurt for some time, so she'll be a great information source as well.
Now, I have enough leftovers of tent fabric to make the walls cover and have no problem getting more for the roof quite cheaply. Can sew it myself, or ask a friend who makes reenacting tents for living. I can make the crown and roof parts myself out of materials I have around. What I'm currently trying to solve are the wall rods, the ones that create the khana sections. Can I use bamboo for them? Found a good source, a trader that imports quality, well dried bamboo for good prices. I've read that this wood was used by some of the nomad cultures, but have found no true evidence for it. It seems ok to me, as the bamboo is hard, flexible, straight and quite lightweight. Anyone tried it? Anyone knows about traditional use of it?
My other question is about dimensions. Is there any magical height X diameter ratio, that simply makes the whole thing work well? I plan to make 6m diameter, not sure about wall height and


height though. Any input would be highly appreciated!
Since I'll be


the thing with some simple wood stove, I guess I shouldn't make it too high to achieve proper


As for insulating, I may be lucky and get some pretty cheap felt here. If not, I'll most likely use some industrial



Thanks for any information!

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