Problem with our yurt is that we have the deck under it and it gets pretty high in the front part. Everything must be reached from a ladder.
Here's a picture of the roof with temporary foil cover. Got some snow over night.
Uncovered, ready for the real roof.
We used a long ladder as a rail of sorts, with improvised sled, carrying the roof up (partially folded for "easy" unfolding, with the center hole on the bottom of the package). By the wood shed in the background, you can see our Magnum bird feeder. Holds 60kg of sunflower seed
It's up
Partially unfolded

I was struggling to get the center hole over the ring's rim for almost an hour.
As usual, it was too dark when we ended, so just a quick photo of the covered roof. The whole thing needs some adjusting yet, we need to trim the excess ends of roof rafters to allow the roof cover hang over the edge - as you can (rather can't) see now, it's not fitting over the uncut rafters. I knew this will have to be done and yes, it would surely be easier to do before the roof was assmebled, but I needed to see it all in real before cutting.
Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to tighten the
yet...looks like several weeks in wet weather conditions might have helped the khana laths to set in the new shape and now the cable seems much looser than when we put it there. I wouldn't want to unlock the one in place, rather put another one over it...or use a ratchet strap to compress the thing and hold it, then unlock and tighten the about that?