03-09-2014, 04:06 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Placing twin-yurts on a single wooden platform
Yet another way to install the roll flashing vertically in the deck floor, without using a router, is to simply use your skilsaw to cut the penciled wall diameter line. The saw kerf will be wide enough to insert the roll flashing. Set the blade for 5/8ths depth. Tuck the flashing into the saw kerf, and screw/anchor as above. If you wanted to get real fancy, you could pump silicone caulk into the saw kerf prior to installing the flashing. That would give a water tight joint. Installing the flashing in this manner would go much easier with two guys, and two cordless drill. One drill setup for drilling the screw pilot hole, and the other to drive the screw home.
I'm frugal myself. For economy reasons I'd likely try this last method first. If it doesn't work that well, try the elevated platform approach.
Good luck.