Hi chaps, hope all is well.
I been working on a 6m yurt for a while now. Though am struggling to get work done due to health issues.
Perhaps i initially over estimated my output-capabilities in reference to the work-load of building a yurt.
I was on the verge of giving up the build all together. but thought perhaps i should consider some feesable compromises before abandoning project.
I thought maybe buying some parts instead of building. (some parts which offered minimal financial savings for the workload involved).
Im considering switiching from coppice poles, to traditional sawn timber, for the wall-pole / lattice structure.
it was a nice idea, the coppice poles have a nice rustic feel to them, but it involves shaving the bark off ~120 poles.
The cost-saving trade off is minimal i think (£5 for 15 poles).
though i havnt researched how much the 1" x 2" sawn timber will cost.
Anyone got any suggestions for parts that can be purchased to reduce labour, but not effect final costs too much?
or any other techniques / tips to reduce labour-workload?
(if i did all the wood framework, would it be feesable to purchase a used 6m cover?)
(A good friend recently gifted me an electric jigsaw + electric sander. im sure they could be useful

thanks. Chris