I have been swamped with work, family, and of course building the yurt. Been at it all by myself since it went up so it has been slow going.
That being said the electrician is coming by tomorrow and the HVAC technician on Saturday. The following weekend I plan to install the plumbing and then it will be small details until we move in. My original goal was 6 months which would be around August first, so not to bad considering construction plans and life never go to plan. Here is to hoping we make it in by mid August. Just in time for the heat to peak!!!! IF the AC can get us through this period we know we will be good to go.
Just a few pictures. I managed to install all of the bamboo flooring, get the interior walls up, installed doors for the first time (tricky), painted all of the cabinets, made a counter top, finally built stairs, cleaned up all of the trash from the previous tenant, mocked up the AC units, and placed all of the appliances in. Whew.
Ohh and the batteries were a batch of 5 pallets there were throwing away at work. Supposedly they were all bad. The deep cells I'm having a very hard time bringing back to life but 12 of the 15 starting batteries were almost perfect. Plan to use them on an emergency back up power system or just for fun. I wish I would have grabbed all of them now.