04-03-2013, 07:09 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Souris Prince Edward Island
Posts: 22
Re: Newbie questions, need some help
I think from traditional building standards its difficult to imagine that less is more and the key to Yurts is to recognize that part of what makes yurts strong... is their ability to be light, bend and compress etc... 2x2 sounds good, but like Jafo said... probably more than needed. Here we have lots of 'weather' (storms, high winds, snow, rain blah blah blah) and i find we make good use of the flexibility of the lattice walls! If it were thicker lattice... i can just picture it splintering. If you need the added strength, like we do, I would take my cue from some of the larger companies and their wind/snow kits with perimeter blocking, like (cuz thats what we have/enjoy).
We have attached regular windows into our yurt... I don't have any close up detailed ones and I haven't been back up there in a couple of weeks to get more photos, but I have a couple that I'll attach of when it was still being built. Basically we just cut the fabric folded the side cover in and then inserted the window into the casing built for it... fitted it... screwed it in etc and then they caulked the outside of the window with white caulking... the builders who installed it did a terrible job with the fine finishing of the place like caulking around the outside of the windows without it looking like someone with a severe case of hiccups did it. If 'I' were to do it myself I would use painters tape to create straight even lines and make it look all purdy... but messy or not... it has done the job flawlessly.
One photo is of a window in place and the other is one of how big of a window we put in.
Okay lets see if I managed to upload the files... me and my rocking awesome computer skills (hahahaha... not really).