03-27-2014, 07:36 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: New with lots of questions!
T&G is normally installed directly over floor joists, or beams, if it is 1.5" thick, or thicker. Install your insulation between the joists before you install the T&G. Why?Stubborn warped bowed twisted crowned (common) T&G normally needs pried into place to make the floor tight. The carpenters need exposed floor framing, or beams, to pry the material into place. If you have 1" to 2" thick foam atop the framing, you'll have poed carpenters unless they have perfect T&G stock-which they won't, believe me. If there won't be clearance to install insulation into the framing from below, install it before the T&G is laid.
As far as wall insulation, all I can tell you is any layer you add will help, excepting plastic sheeting. I can't advise on what material is best, sorry.