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Insulation Questions...Permanent Yurt In Burleson County Texas...

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Old 03-01-2018, 10:26 PM   #11
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 2
Default Re: Insulation questions...Permanent yurt in Burleson County Texas...

Hey all,

I have a yurt in Melbourne, Australia. We get pretty ridiculous and changeable weather here so after a few days of 35+C we will get a cool change. As mentioned above the yurt has virtually no thermal mass due to it's lightweight timber frame so it cools quickly as the air temperature cools, which is great. I originally had a rocket heater made from a converted beer keg but I found it too smoky and hot. It was also a bit of a bugger to keep lit with a busy lifestyle. e.g. not there to constantly feed it. I stunk like a mongolian yak herder which wasn't a great thing when getting ready to go out somewhere...smelling like a freshly smoked piece of jerky! So in a smoke induced rage fuelled moment, I bought a panel heater. JOY. 20C at the flick of a switch and cheaper than wood here. Less dragging crap in and out in the cold and rain also. I think a good quality, small wood heater would be perfect though and a little warmer for those -0 days, plus there's the atmosphere of the flames etc. Dead set romantic.

Summer. Let's talk about that. No shade and I absolutely cook. Both my goldfish died . The cats...don't mind it but last time we had 44C they were panting like dogs. (They do have a cat run tacked on but their instinct is to stay in the shade). So I shelled out for about $600 worth of double foil backed insulation. Gave myself a massive pat on the back for the skill with which I made the top. I removed the outer canvas and laid it on top. No mean feat in the wind. Then I taped the sides down. It was a sweaty frustrating day and my daughter cried. Anyway us two did it.
I got home from work all excited on the first hot day and it had made not one iota of difference to the internal temperature. I cried. I could have gone on a holiday to Bali for that cost. So I went out and bought a portable airconditioner. Works a treat, but another $350...(days spas and 5 star accommodation for the Bali holiday)...
The floor by the way, was insulated when I had it built.
NB.I have also found that adding the extra layer has changed the fit of the outer canvas and it doesn't wrap around as well. Catches the wind and starts to blow off.
So...they get cold. They get hot. I wish I had known that when I purchased it. It is beautiful and I love the aesthetic and convenience of it. I am however going to build a studio out of wood and be just slightly more thermally comfortable.

Cheers all
hierony likes this.

Last edited by JaneinOz; 03-01-2018 at 10:29 PM.
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