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Insulation Questions...Permanent Yurt In Burleson County Texas...

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Old 03-02-2018, 08:54 AM   #21
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Default Re: Insulation questions...Permanent yurt in Burleson County Texas...

For about $20 I made screen inserts for both my doors. Just 1x2's wood frames (w/a center T for stability) and a roll of screening stapled on - all bought at Home Depot. I began mostly to add a cat door wo/cutting the canvas walls. So starting on the front, side-by-side door, one side now has a nailed in "screen insert". It let in so much great air, I quickly made one for the back door. I cover the screened frame with a polyglass piece in the winter - except for the cat door. And stash the back door insert when winter comes. I chose not to attach it with hinges.

After that I never opened the windows. Just leave the plastic part on because of frequent rain and too much planning ahead for opening and closing. And also to avoid the creepy things living around the windows. Bleck.

Off topic. Because I leave the plastic windows on all the time and they get a lot of sun (great solar


in the winter). They were getting pretty cloudy after 7 years. So last year I went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought 4 yards of their heaviest clear plastic. They cut it nice and straight. Came home, dug out the old sewing machine, fired up the generator, and sewed Velcro on all the edges. So far so good. Making it through the winter just fine. Last month, one of the old, cloudy windows split - just popped 10" slits - while I was sliding some Reflextics between the lattice and window during a -10 F cold snap. (A very prolonged -10 cold snap - brrrr). So that window is duct taped in spots until spring. I'm hoping this time to re-use the old Velcro which still seems fine.

So! Homemade Yurt Screen Door Inserts. Two thumbs up!! Easy to construct. Look great. Just take the time to cut accurately and fit the frame to the door. New clear windows. Also seem good. Check, check.

Oh. While I'm thinking about Yurt Hacks. I also made small rain diverters (?) for the doors during heavy rains. I would get rain blowing in and puddling at the door bottoms. Ugh. Never good.

For that issue, a flexible dowel (more than 1/4", less than 1/2") cut slightly larger than the width of the door. Then I taped a piece of old brown tarp to the dowel. Like a tiny shower curtain, but shorter. Maybe 18"? That is rolled up and stashed until the big rain storms appear. Then I just open the door and wedge it about 12" from the bottom - with the plastic draped over the outer step. Works pretty well for me. Mostly the wetness clings it in place - except for the swirliest of winds.

You can make the plastic however long you want and might need to tie off the bottoms if esp windy. I sometimes do that at the front door on long storms to keep the plastic "tented out" so the cat door is still functional.

What's your best yurt hack(s)?

Snowing here in NH. Beautiful. Be well, yurtiverse buddies.
Jafo and Bob Rowlands like this.

Last edited by Wintergreen282; 03-02-2018 at 08:56 AM.
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Old 03-02-2018, 04:58 PM   #22
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Insulation questions...Permanent yurt in Burleson County Texas...

Thanks for the tips Wintergreen282 and kudos for you living in a yurt for 7 years.
I had screen doors made for my front door so when that's open they are inside and I have flywire on them. Lovely. I also tacked flywire on my outward opening SW window and added an external hook to close it. They normally slide bolt from the inside so when the weather cools I'll take the flymesh down again. The other window NE I have no mesh in so I have to close it at dusk or I get eaten alive. I haven't bothered meshing it because it opens into the cat run so no cat security issues there. Australia basically invented every crawling and biting thing but so far I've only had a couple of spiders which catch the mozzies anyway. I am waiting for a tiger snake to come crawling through the cat flap though! Hopefully the step up and the cats will discourage it.
The cross ventilation works quite well on warm days as I also have half mesh/half plexiglass in the crown. But on really hot days I have to cover everything as it all adds up to


the yurt immensely.
I also have issues with water pouring under the doors when it rains. So many soggy mats! I might try your awning idea. I siliconed along where the door frame meets the floor which helped a lot but it still comes in when the rain is pelting on the door.
A note regarding the foil


is I think it works best when there is a cavity between it and the radiant heat. So sandwiching it in between two layers of canvas doesn't enable it to work properly. I'm wondering if I hung it inside on the lattice then covered it with something decorative like muslin, whether that would work better. Then there would be a gap. If I'm in the yurt next summer I'll try it as it sure isn't doing anything where it is. Winter may be another story though. It might be slightly warmer with the radiant heat emanating from inside.

Cheers all
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