I need yurt insulation--I didn't get it originally for fire-safety reasons (melty & burny
in a place heated by fire and one exit is _not_ a good idea...). I want a portable & relatively durable yurt, prefering renewable materials. It is a traditional-style yurt.
I like the idea of felt, but don't have any cheap sources unless I want to make it (requires lots of hours...). Fiberglass would compress under the canvas weight; mineral wool would crumble with too much handling.
My final conclusion was to use wool-blend blankets. Not terribly thick, but I can layer up ($100-400/layer). My idea is as follows: yurt frame, light cotton liner, wool-blend blankets, burlap, linen, burlap, wool-blend blanket, tyvek, canvas.
The idea is to use the liner for appearance/reflect light, use the blanket as
& to prevent air currents, burlap will act as a spacer while the linen will prevent air currents between burlap layers, another layer of blanket for 'real' insulation and to prevent air currents, tyvek as a water barrier, and finally the waterproof canvas. Cotton utility blankets could be added in there somewhere, too, if this isn't enough.
Thoughts & ideas?