12-02-2013, 02:33 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 19
Re: insulating the roof
We have forged ahead with a combo of ideas... We ended up getting a good deal on used foam board. We cut to size and put in between rafters. Wasn't too bad actually - just lots of little specs of foam everywhere. Next time do this before moving into the place!) It fits snug. Affordable options to cover the ugly foam were not many - we couldn't find a big enough white parachute (our yurt is 27'), the price for the white roof covering from the yurt companies is very high. We ended up ordering unbleached muslin from Joannes Fabric online and with a 40% off coupon it was about $125.
Thought about sewing to size but that seemed complicated so we tacked in place with staples and then added lath on every rafter to secure in place.
All in all 3 full days of work. Working amazingly well and wasn't too hard of work. Just slightly tedious.