05-13-2014, 11:16 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,205
Re: How thick of insulation between Lattice
Especially so if you are cooking, and boiling water for hot drinks.
No offense or disrespect intended for ijenn opting out of fire in their yurt at this time. But the comment about 'no fire'- I gotta tell ya that's given me pause to consider this: We are living in some strange times, that fire risk, risk of lawsuits, risk of loss of yurt, or whatever, has taken precidence over the obvious advantage of hearth and home, especially in the dead of winter.
IMO fire is absolutely the heart and soul of the trad yurt, and always has been. Even well heeled Americans camping in their trailers, campers and motor homes all have fire within their mobile shelters. It may be called a heater, and has a thermostat, but most assuredly a fire it is that yields the warmth.
Again, no disrespect intended this is merely an observation.