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Hello Peeps... Can I Pick Your Brains...? :P

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Old 10-15-2014, 06:05 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Default Hello peeps... Can I pick your brains...? :P

Hi there peeps...

I am new to the forum and was wondering if it ok if I can pick your braaains... ^_^

Myself and my partner are planning over the winter months to build our own yurt.. Now I have looked at many plans and blogs etc and we have decided to go for a 14 ft yurt. Now the plans I have looked at so far call for 60 square yards of canvas / 51 metres squared.. How can I work out how much I would need for the walls...? I know there are some formulas and calculations involved and I have bookmarked a couple - but could someone point me in the right direction...?

Is it best to buy

yurt plans

..? And do you have any recommendations..? Or (as I reckon we could) could we use plans and formulas easy available online to plan our yurt...?

I have a friend who has been making yurts for many years, but he lives far away from me and is a busy man. He has said he uses 3 particular formulas.. I have been trying to get hold of him for awhile - but to no avail...!

And we are on a deadline. There is a chance - if I get my calculations right - that we might be able to pick up the canvas for out yurt for free...! I just need to figure out how much canvas the walls need and how much the roof needs.

I would so greatly appreciate any advice or info...!

Many Thanks and look forward to meeting new folks...



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Old 10-15-2014, 09:00 PM   #2
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Default Re: Hello peeps... Can I pick your brains...? :P

I'll assume you are doing a two piece cover- wall and roof.

First, the wall. I'll assume you will sew vertical seams on the wall cover. For a 14' yurt that is 44' in circumference, you need 9- 5' (60") wide pieces of fabric the height of your wall plus 3" extra for top and bottom seam. Add on to that wall height number how many inches you want the wall to drape down over the floor frame on the outside. Plus add another 5% for shrinkage.

If your fabric is different than 60" width, REDO THE MATH. 9 pieces will NOT be the correct number if your fabric isn't 60" wide.

As for the roof footage, using a compass graph out the roof diameter on 1/4" graph paper.

To get the actual yurt cover roof diameter, double the rafter length. Add the ring diameter, and add an additional 4'. That will give an overlap of two feet all around the wall. Why so much overlap? The cover will shrink about two feet total, plus a perimeter seam allowance is neesed.

Compass out that diameter on the graph paper. Then using the width of your fabric bolt, lay out the courses to cover the diameter. Round up to the nearest whole number for seams and allow 1.5" per seam as well.

Sew the tarp.

You need to turn that 'tarp' into a proper conic shaped yurt cover. To do so, cut from the *center* of one side -parallel with a seam-to the focal point of the where the roof ring will go. That's the center of the 'tarp' you just made.

Simply lay the roof 'tarp' atop the yurts rafters until the focal point -where the cut stops-is in the middle of the roof ring. Overlap the cut edges until the tarp fits snug to the rafters. See, now it is conic in shape. Easy, huh? lol

Mark up a 1.5" seam allowance at the new seam line. Use the side of a rafter for a guide for your Sharpie. Make witness marks every foot of the lap for alignment during sewing.. The more you mark up the seam, the better when you sew it, believe me.

Again, allow at least 1.5" for SEAM ALLOWANCE!! Mark the ring hole while you got it up there, several inches inside the ring hole!

Cut out the hole. Flat fell the seam. Sew the snot out of that sucker.

Reposition the cover atop the yurt and align it with the ring hole. Admire the fine job you just did. See how nice and snug it fits?

Now that the fabric fits the roof, you can make your final marks for the ring. DO NOT CUT IT TOO SMALL! Ya gotta have a plan here to know how to proceed. I just stitched loops at the roof hole and tie off the cover to screw eyes screwed into the bottom of the ring. Otherwise, ya gotta know what you are doing. Sew do it. lol

Mark the perimeter. All that extra length is gonna shrink, I guarantee. Do *NOT* cut it too short!! It's gonna shrink! BIG time!

Have fun.
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Old 10-15-2014, 09:08 PM   #3
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Default Re: Hello peeps... Can I pick your brains...? :P

For the plan I have made-twice- google:

clan yama kaminari yurt

Click on 'yurt build'. That is a superb yurt. I built the 14'er, and then the 16'er. Strong, easy to build, and < 1K.
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Old 10-17-2014, 05:47 AM   #4
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Default Re: Hello peeps... Can I pick your brains...? :P

Thank you for your detailed reply...!
Will go through your post with my partner thoroughly... We are getting quite excited about the yurt...!
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Old 10-17-2014, 05:51 AM   #5
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Default Re: Hello peeps... Can I pick your brains...? :P

Hi there

Thanks for your reply..

Have tried looking at links - found a post you made about your yurt.. Am having issues trying to find the page you are sending me to.. Will try again.. Would love to see your pics too..
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Old 10-17-2014, 06:40 PM   #6
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Default Re: Hello peeps... Can I pick your brains...? :P

FB- Type in google:

clan yama kaminari-home

From there scroll down to the box marked 'make it' Once there, scroll down to 'yurt/ger'. Click. There's the yurt plan in great detail.

My yurt pics are on this site under 'Homemade yurt' .
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