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Grand Total Costs?

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Old 05-24-2016, 09:11 PM   #1
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Default Grand Total costs?

Hello there! If there is a thread on this already please just let me know- I didn't see it.

I would love to get an idea what the "turn key" grand total was for the yurts in this group. I realize there is going to be a lot of diversity in price... But I'm still curious. How much was your yurt project when all was said and done? Did you do any of the work yourselves?

In our own case, we will probably be buying a 30 foot yurt from

Pacific Yurts

, putting it on a deck, having an outdoor bathroom, plumbing, and electricity. We will go with

Pacific Yurts

because their yurts have a wind capacity of 142 MPH, and for south Florida we need to re-engineer the yurt to withstand winds of 150 MPH- we have found an architect who can re-engineer it up to code but his services will add $7000 (this charge includes floor plans and all sorts of permitting help).

I already know it's going to be a large chunk of change but it sure would help to have an idea of what others ended up spending when all was said and done!

Thank you!

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Old 05-25-2016, 08:03 AM   #2
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Default Re: Grand Total costs?

Hmm, I had it written down somewhere but can't find it at the moment, but I believe my 30' Pacific Yurt, with the deck came to about $23,000. No plumbing, electric,


, etc.. I added those elements myself as time went by. Of course, mine is only a cabin, not a residence.

Many of the other costs are similar to what you would pay for any other structure. For example, a leech field is a leech field regardless whether or not it is getting sewage from a yurt or a stick built house.
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Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Old 05-25-2016, 12:25 PM   #3
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Default Re: Grand Total costs?

There are so many variables, such as how much you'll do yourself, how much you'll hire out, what type of deck you build, local lumber costs, utility hook up fees, etc.
We usually assume that a simple deck, with basic utilities will cost about the same price as the yurt itself. So, yurtx2 for a basic set up, and it can be more if you have a lot of interior stuff to add (loft, interior walls) or if you have a deluxe deck.
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Old 05-25-2016, 12:53 PM   #4
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Default Re: Grand Total costs?

I agree. While it may be useful to get numbers from owners, keep in mind there are MANY variables. Shipping for example. My yurt was shipped from Oregon to New York, which raised the price considerably.
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Old 06-05-2016, 08:02 AM   #5
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Default Re: Grand Total costs?

If money is an issue, build a square deck instead of a round one. I let my carpenter talk me into a round deck because it would look so much nicer. He thought it would come in around $8500. It came in over $13k! There is so much waste in wood, not from just using rectangle wood, but recutting when angles are wrong. Also, if you plan to hire help, finding someone in your area with experience on yurts will save a lot of money. I went with a regular carpenter who learned on my dime. I had a thousand dollars wrapped up in just the yurt raising. Now that I've been involved, my husband and I could do it by ourselves.

The inside space of the yurt is absolutely beautiful.
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