07-19-2022, 06:15 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Grain Bin
"I think a (TRADITIONAL) Yurt or Ger has to have a lattice wall, and rafters and of course the tension band. It also should be portable."
Yup. And further a cloth cover. Hard siding removes it from yurt status in my opinion because it is no longer a nomadic tent.
I'm sure a two story grain bin could be made into a dwelling, but why? That's so odd you probably couldn't get it funded by a bank. To get it permitted by a building dept. would take more money than any standard yurt, engineering, patience and a very liberal building dept.
I had two years of college in the Peoples Republic of Boulder CO in the early 1970s. There was a 'foam dome' house in the middle of a traditional neighborhood up on the hill to the west of CU. Weird as hell. I doubt it is still there. So-in a liberal place like Boulder, it just might happen. It likely wasn't bank financed.