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Difficult Building A Yurt In Rural California?

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Old 07-10-2014, 06:34 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Default Difficult building a yurt in rural California?

Hi everyone, we just moved from back east to sunny hot central valley California. We are renting a house but scouting land to build our dream yurt. I'm worried though about how difficult it is to erect a yurt in California and meet building codes. Wondering if anyone or there has some experience in California? I know a few businesses have done it but as a permanent dwelling?! Anyone with sage advice out there?

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Old 07-18-2014, 09:57 AM   #2
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Default Re: Difficult building a yurt in rural California?

Hey Cencaligirl,
It is probably left to the discretion of your local building and/or fire dept. Yes, government Officials get to dictate to you on how you can live on your land and they really have the final say, so be careful what you say to who when it comes to making inquiries about erecting a yurt as a primary residence/dwelling. Best to feel them out carefully before showing your hand...Here in Oregon, it is flat out illegall to occupy a yurt as a primary residence, but some local inspectors will work with you and kind of look the other way, so pick the county you buy land in carefully. Also, checking with the local fire chief first can get you a bunch of handy info about the local building dept's attitude about alternate structures and their permitting. The main issue seems to be not many places will issue a certificate of occupancy for a yurt, as they are not "structures". No CO, no


, no ability for them to assess you for taxes which they really don't like because that is where these govt types get their paychecks. I bet you get a real hard time in Tehama county, if that is where you are. Like I said, check carefully, some of those north and central Cali countys have it in for alternate living types these days because of the explosive growth and popularity of people moving to their neighborhoods for the purpose of pursuing the green gold rush that they are having there now. Good Luck and be wiley about feeling folks out- if you want to make it happen bad enough, you will find a way
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Old 07-19-2014, 08:41 AM   #3
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Default Re: Difficult building a yurt in rural California?

Wow, thanks so much Enzocann! We eventually want to move farther north and love the Jackson/Josephine counties area of Oregon. Hubbys work has us here for now. May I ask, forgive my eastern ways, what is the green gold rush?
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Old 07-21-2014, 10:11 PM   #4
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Location: State of Jefferson
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Default Re: Difficult building a yurt in rural California?

Why, that would be the licit and/or illicit cultivation of marijuana for medicine, or diversion to the black or gray markets for profit. The Sheriff population of California, well heck, Sheriffs just about anywhere in the good ole USA, excepting a few counties here and there, tend to take a pretty dim view of that kind of activity, just so you know.
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