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Different Types Of Yurt Insulation

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Old 07-09-2014, 05:08 PM   #1
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Default Different types of yurt insulation

I use two types of


for the yurts I build, double bubble foil backed


and Prodex which is a closed cell polyethylene foam covered on both sides with aluminum foil facing. I like rigid insulation for the floor.

The double bubble comes in 6' X 125' rolls and works good on my side walls and the roof as well.

The Prodex comes in 6' X 100' rolls and will hold the heat but is a little more expensive.

I have a few customers who like a more organic material and use natural wool that comes in 6' panels and is a little thicker. This will hold heat a little better but comes with its own set of problems such as bug and rodent infestations and a smell if you have a



The thing to remember about the Prodex and double bubble insulation is that it is a reflective insulation and will not hold the heat after the heat source goes out. However it will help conserve energy as it reflects the heat back inside the yurt instead of loosing it if there was no insulation.

I recommend the rigid floor insulation for the floor as opposed to standard fiberglass insulation. The fiberglass insulation is attractive to rodents for nesting and will be problematic over the long run. Rigid insulation can be easily installed on floors with minimal ground clearance before fastening the subfloor or after if you have plenty of ground clearance.

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Old 06-25-2017, 07:29 AM   #2
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Default Re: Different types of yurt insulation

Hey Tree Bones,

I know it has been a few years since you've posted your insulation choices but we have purchased a used Yurt and will be putting it up this summer. We purchased Prodex total 10mm. as we live outside of Cleveland, Ohio. Right now we are thinking about how we will install the insulation. We still have the original insulation and I have been reading about the prodex and it looks like it could be good to have air space from some of the things I'm reading. I'm just trying to see if that would be a possibility. Or is it smart at all to be using both together? And any thoughts on using the tape that is sold with Prodex, Duct tape in a cheap DIY fashion, or recreate the original design with many grommets at the top? Sorry total novice and just looking for any good advice from anyone really!
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Old 06-25-2017, 11:34 AM   #3
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Default Re: Different types of yurt insulation

I don't know squat about prodex or any other synthetic insulation. However, I DO know one of the constants in material degradation is trapped


. Moisture is part of the cycle in the 'grand design' as I like to call it. If you live in a humid moist climate, an air gap that allows materials to stay as dry as possible is a good plan. Wish I had some real advice but that's what I got. Good luck.
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