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Design, Materials And Gizmos

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Old 07-30-2017, 09:36 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Location: cold wet, hot humid
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Default design, materials and gizmos

Greetings Yurtlings,

Ive been lurking for some time now and have reached a point where I am ready to start my build project.
My kid brother borrowed my yurt book but I am making use of resources available online. (I have doubt on seeing that particular copy again)
I do have a few questions that I would to like to clarify before commencing.
If anyone could explain or would point me to an area that may provide the details I would most certainly be grateful.

I would like to build a 16 or 20 foot yurt capable of handling extreme heavy snow as well as hot humid weather. I am not so concerned with historical or traditional all wood and natural materials, but am looking for the most bullet proof and secure portable shelter that I can build and erect myself for the multiple environments mentioned.
So to start;

1 Bent rafters pros and cons.
I guess the steeper slope would help shed snow easier, are there any weaknesses or integrity issues other than more involvement in fabrication?? Such as setting up single handed.

2 What are the best snow load support systems for yurts this size? Most likely 16' if there is a different system for the different sizes

3. I have studied the different


methods, how much extra side length material (fabric) needs to be added in design to cover the



4. What would be the best considerations for fabric for the top and sides for such wet and humid conditions??

5. If you were going to build a new modern yurt, what are the really cool modifications that you would want Included???

6. What would you do different, leave off or make sure was added?

7. Any particular gizmos or hardware that really makes things easier in the long run that needs to be incorporated in the start??

Well I guess thats a long evening fireside chat, but I do hope to get started soon and apply any advice I can get.

Thanks for any pointers, ideas and help and or direction to such.


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Old 07-30-2017, 11:56 PM   #2
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I built a 16'er. It withstands snow to about 1.5' very well. If you are expecting severe snow load, like two feet of wet snow, and you won't be around to clear the roof, supports under the ring (bagana) would be a wise move, especially on a 20'er.

Snow supports in a yurt are typically studs placed under the rafters at the exterior wall and secured to the deck with Simpson Strong Tie hardware so they can't shift from the load.

Any 16' yurt should be able to be assembled by one man, a 16' yurt isn't big.

I suggest a professionally made, vinyl coated cover for real longevity. My 100% canvas cover was great for two years, started becoming marginal after three, and is done after 4 years. That's a learned lesson, and this is a very dry climate as a rule. You newbs out there take notice. Replacing the cover with another cover the same canvas is cheap though, in comprison to any fifteen year cover. Good luck.
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Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Old 07-31-2017, 07:26 AM   #3
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Default Re: design, materials and gizmos

Ok Bob,

So, how to decide how many vertical snow supports around the walls?
Any general formula for different size yurts or rules of thumb?

Also, is it best to use double support ring columns or is a single post ok under 20-24".
I'm still thinking worse case conditions.

What do you think about the bent rafters?
Are they worth the effort?

Ok, thanks for getting back so quick.


PS: I've heard that a 24' is about as big as a solo person can manage dragging components off a pickup or canoe? Are those bent rafters too much headache for a solo to put up after a certain size???
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Old 08-01-2017, 06:55 PM   #4
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Default Re: design, materials and gizmos

Normally there is one stud under each rafter. Bagana (2 or 3) are placed under the ring. Other questions I can't answer-no experience. Bent yurt roofs are beautiful for sure. Other then that I know absolutely nothing about them. Enjoy the build.
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Old 08-01-2017, 07:24 PM   #5
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Studs underneath the roof poles by the lattice are more for when you use lightweight widely-spaced lattice. If you use heftier lattice, they'll be strong enough. The baghana under the crown ring are more important though--they reduce the load span by more than half, significantly reducing the roof pole size/grade you'll need.

The bent roof poles are good for the steeper pitches. I don't recall the exact formula, but your roof snow load depends on the steepness & material slipperiness--I think somewhere around 70 deg it goes to zero. Metal or plastic is better for getting the snow to slid off. A heated but uninsulated slippery steep roof will really shed the snow, whereas a canvas roof at shallower pitch with lots of insulation will hold onto the snow more. This last winter it generally took a day or so to melt off each decent dump (<=4 inches) with meager insulation on my 20 ft yurt.
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Old 08-02-2017, 07:15 PM   #6
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FWIW, I have a canvas cover on my yurt, and ~25 degree pitch. Snow does not slide off my yurt at all. I have to knock it off. Jabbing the cover from the inside with a broom handle works pretty well, if the snow isn't too deep. Deeper snow load like the 1.5 feet I have had up there a couple times, takes a 2x4 and some pretty good whacks to get it moving. I do not dig having any kind of real load on that roof. Snow avalanche in the mountains generally from 30 to 45 degrees dependent on conditions.
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Old 08-03-2017, 05:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: design, materials and gizmos

Nomad Shelter Yurts

have a snow load rating of 50# per sq foot. You do not need the extra supports with the heavy duty lattice.
Thick cover made of


with a 15 year manufacturer warranty.
We have yurts up past that age that are still strong covers.
Our heavy duty insulation surpasses most. It's four layers. Face fabric. Reflectix. One inch polyester batting and Tyvek. Sewn into one nice easy to install panel. Several of these for your ceiling and for your walls. Keeps the


out. And the temperature inside your yurt stable.
I would love to send you more info.
[email protected]
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