11-12-2023, 12:35 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Deck or platform - help!
I built a 16' platform in 2013 for my 16' yurt. Photos are seen online on google images. Mine is the rustic green doored yurt with rafters either side of the door:
Bob Rowlands home made yurt
That low platform would be perfect for your flat back yard. Mine sits on poured concrete pads that lay on the ground, not 'in' the ground.
As to round vs square, just keep in mind the deck boards that are exposed if it is square are gonna weather fast, especially in your climate. You really need to keep that deck coated to preserve it. Believe me it is gonna take yearly coats to stay in good condition in your climate.
If you do a very low platform like mine, I suggest you do all framing with pressure treated lumber. For decking redwood would be $$$$$$ ideal if you like real wood. TREX or other composite decking is a better idea though from a practical pov.
I am almost done with the final details on my 12'6" yurt rebuild. No wood platform. I made a 16 sided frame out of pressure treated 2x4 set on edge, and set level on the ground. I filled the frame with pea gravel. WAAAY less money and works great. Zero maintenance. I got the 16 sided lengths and angle calculation using a free online program. If you opt for more than 16 sides, as I would if I built another peas gravel pad, the calculator will give you 'spot on' dimensions that you simply use when making cuts on your chop saw. For roundness, 20 beats sixteen, and 24 would be ideal. I used cheap galvanized 'strong tie' framing connectors to secure the joints Bomb proof. I suggest 2-3" to your yurt width for diameter during the calculation. That will set the lattice just inside the frame.
BTW I built my 10x12 barn shed on the old 16' platform. The deck boards that are exposed have been painted twice in the last three years and are in serious need of work right now. I built the platform in 2013 and used 2x6 common construction lumber for the deck boards. Inside, no problemo. Outside BIG problem. And that's in semi arid Colorado.
Good luck.
Last edited by Bob Rowlands; 11-12-2023 at 01:34 PM.
Reason: Standard typos and disorganized content.