04-18-2017, 06:39 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Michigan
Posts: 7
Re: D'arcYurt's Build Thread
Originally Posted by 2 dogs and a Yurt
Hi D'arcYurt,
What part of MI are you building in? We are looking at building up in the U.P. but are leery of the building codes. Did you have trouble with permitting?
The local building department won't give us any answers and we are thinking of just going ahead and putting up a yurt without a permit but we don't want to run into issues with the county... Any input?
I am in Sand Lake, about 30 minutes north of Grand Rapids.
I tried doing some prying into codes/regulations but noone could give me solid answers and without officially saying it, gave the impression of "just go for it". So that is what I am doing. I have 10 acres and the yurt is at the back of my property not visible from the road (which is a quiet country road anyways) so most passers don't even know it's there. Plus, so far my nearest neighbors seem perfectly okay with it
My father and I put in the pitcher pump over the weekend. It just so happens to match the red of the yurt poles!
After ~200 gallons pumped, it still has a greenish hue to it, so I may drive it down further and see if I can tap some better water. It is currently driven down to 18'